Virtual Events

Science is everywhere, and learning can happen anywhere

Enjoy the Science Centre experience from home or school. Tune into live events to meet scientific experts, see demonstrations and more.

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Miss an event? We’ve got you covered! Watch the recordings below.

Past Virtual Events

Awesome Arthropods

Cosmic Webb

Icy Cool Science

Bring on the Bugs

Critters in the City

Ask an Astronaut

Traditional Indigenous Mathematics

Meteors & Meteorites

Skateboard Science

Science of Roller Coasters

Happy Trails

The Science of Bubbles

The Great Outdoors

Mentorship Matters

Super Science Questions

Coral Conservation

Geometry in Nature

Magical Paperwork

The Science of Magic

COVID-19 Vaccines

Kids’ Mental Health & COVID-19

All About Mars

Science Needs Women

Winter Watch

Behind the Blades: Physics of Ice Skating

Astounding Animals

Snowflake Science

Dinosaur Locomotion

Pride in STEM

Deep Freeze Fun

Virtual Star Party

Shifting into Fall

Busy Bees

Biodiversity in the City

Ask an Astronaut: Jeremy Hansen

Paper Planes

The Science of Sound

Indigenous Star Stories

Ask a Scientist: Emma Holder

Ask a Scientist: Sarah Mazrouei

World Bee Day 2020

Ask a Scientist: Justin Persaud

Ask a Scientist: David Yun

Spring in Ontario

Earth Day 50

Ask a Scientist: Martin Fischer

Ask a Scientist: Astronomer Rachel Ward-Maxwell

Great Conversations at Home
Mindfulness in Stressful Times

Learn about coping with the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic and tap into the power of being present. Join an online conversation with CAMH experts who teach mindfulness to autistic adults and their caregivers.

50th Anniversary of Earth Day

In celebration of Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary, we asked researchers, innovators and climate activists from across Canada to share their most pressing concern about the state of the Earth and what actions individuals can take to make a difference.